廖月敏 Sudhee Liao
A multi-layered performance that explores the state of the connection. With a confined and structured costume design, the work delves into the significance of movement and how the body can react within a restrictive space. By weaving physicality and movement, we play with the idea of equilibrium between body and space. The work takes the audience through a visceral and surreal journey by interweaving between performance and the body. It translates as a sculpture that evokes a paradoxical sense of intimacy and showcases the inherent awkwardness that echoes our own vulnerabilities.
編舞 Choreographer 廖月敏 Sudhee Liao
藝術顧問 Artistic Adviser 曾文通 Tsang Man Tung
創作舞者 Devising Dancers 陳樂軒 Chan Lok Hin、洪俊樂 Jonathan Hung Chun Lok
作曲 Sound Composer Shane Aspegren
服裝、道具及佈景設計 Costume, Props & Set Designer 黃咏薇 Audrey Ng
錄像導演及攝影指導 Video Director & Dop 葉雲生 Vincent Ip
第二攝影 2nd Camera 周峻民 Chow Tsun Man
機器組 Camera Crew 李學寬 Li Hok Fun 鍾栩汶 Chung Hui Man
燈光師 Gaffer 王英杰 Wong Ying Kit
燈光組 Lighting Crew 戴子汧 Tai Tsz Hin 邱浚軒 Yau Chun Hin Cyril 林聞撰 Lam Man Shine 吳子豪 Ng Tsz Ho
剪接 Editing 葉雲生 Vincent Ip
監製 Producer 胡家欣 Jamie Wu
主辦 Presenter 香港舞蹈聯盟 Hong Kong Dance Alliance
© 2021 版權所有 All Rights Reserved
《講下啫》I don’t mean it
馬師雅 Alice Ma
“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying.” - Russian writer and Nobel Prize winner, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
編舞及舞者 Choreographer & Dancer 馬師雅 Alice Ma
藝術顧問 Artistic Adviser 黃俊達 Ata Wong Chun Tat
作曲及聲音設計 Composer & Sound Designer 梁寶榮 Leung Po Wing
服裝及道具設計 Costume & Props Designer 丘小鋇Luise Yau
承蒙香港舞蹈團批准參與演出 By kind permission of the Hong Kong Dance Company
化妝及髮型設計 Make-up & Hair Stylist 傅渶傑Jadeson Fu
排練助理 Rehearsal Assistant 馬汶萱 Christy Poinsettia Ma
錄像導演及攝影指導 Video Director & Dop 葉雲生 Vincent Ip
第二攝影 2nd Camera 周峻民 Chow Tsun Man
機器組 Camera Crew 謝浩葦 Tse Ho Wai
燈光師 Gaffer 王英杰 Wong Ying Kit
燈光組 Lighting Crew 戴子汧 Tai Tsz Hin 邱浚軒 Yau Chun Hin Cyril 林聞撰 Lam Man Shine 吳子豪 Ng Tsz Ho
剪接 Editing 馬汶萱 Christy Poinsettia Ma
監製 Producer 胡家欣 Jamie Wu
主辦 Presenter 香港舞蹈聯盟 Hong Kong Dance Alliance
© 2021 版權所有 All Rights Reserved