概念、編舞及演出 Concept, Choreographer and Performer
曾景輝 Terry Tsang
繼2019年《毛鬙鬙》後,香港年青舞蹈藝術家曾景輝再一次直面恐懼。 曾景輝(Terry),在成長的過程中因家庭關係經常接觸到如破地獄、神功戲等令人生畏的華人傳統儀式;2019年,他以自身對毛髮的驚恐作為起始,創作了《毛鬙鬙》。經過時間沉澱,他感受到兩者之間的強烈連繫——恐懼,繼而令他再次思考,恐懼到底從何而來?當面對死亡時,箇中的恐懼又是什麼?人能否透過意念,與另一空間溝通? 是次研究將延續Terry對「恐懼」的探索,深入研究破地獄的動作組成和邏輯,嘗試通過經文找尋傳統儀式背後的故事和意思,並借由視覺概念,探尋服裝和道具結合的可能性。 Following the duet work Terry-fy in 2019, choreographer Terry Tsang continues his confrontation to “fears”. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Terry is accustomed to mysterious and fearful Chinese traditional rituals such as funeral ritual (“Po Di Yu”, literally “break the hell”) and religious operas (“Shen Gong Xi”) since childhood. He first started exploring the idea of “fears” through the work Terry-fy, delving into the reason behind his nausea towards hair. As time passed, he realized something in common of hair and traditional rituals – fears. This led him to question where does fear come from? How fear is embodied in death? And could people communicate with another space through consciousness? This research continues Terry’s exploration on “fear” through investigating the movement and composition of “Po Di Yu”, and searching the meaning and context of traditional ritual through lection. It also explores the possibility of combining costumes and props in terms of visual concept.
研究團隊 Research Team 概念、編舞及演出:曾景輝 Concept, Choreographer & Performer: Terry Tsang
研究員及演出:黃耀權 Researcher & Performer: Wong Yiu Kuen
破地獄顧問:黄焯傑 Worship Advisor: Wong Cheuk Git
燈光概念 及 創作研究:羅文偉 Lighting Concept & Researcher: Lawmanray
服裝概念:何珮姍 Costume Concept: Cindy HO Pui-shan
視頻記錄與剪輯:葉雲生 Videographer and Editor: Vincent Ip
舞台監督:馬志恆 Stage Manager: Jason Ma